Sunday, November 14, 2010

Facing Our Cross Road

So we’ve been taking a look at some random baby steps in trying to understand how one can begin to put their feet on a path in understand where to begin in a relationship with the big guy up stairs. At first we looked at understanding that everyone and I mean everyone reading this has some flaw with in them in some, way, shape, and form and these faults will sometimes stop us from approaching God. We also looked at God through a different set of eye’s throwing aside all the opinions, views, and thoughts we have been fed throughout our lifetime. This blog will be a little longer then norm
When we ended our last blog we looked at taking one of our first steps in opening your heart to God in prayer, and how this is one of the greatest tools we have in growing closer to him. I understand that some reading this are in a cross road in life. Some are standing on a path where in your heart you have tried everything out in life but still feel you are standing at the bottom of a large mountain hindering from you filling that void in your heart that is causing you to read this blog right now.

On the other hand I know some reading this are standing on the other side of this cross road with the desire to know God but intimidated at the thought of where to start and how this will effect your life from this point on. I found that at some point in your spiritual journey you will come face to face with this cross road (refer to  Road Less Traveled). it’s a cross road in which you have to choose what direction your life is going to take. Will you choose to take the road less traveled that Jesus speaks about in Mathew 7:13-14.

This is the hardest part of being a Christian, living outside of the worldly norm. As I read through Mathew the first time and came upon the sermon on the mound I found myself in the center of this cross road. You see I loved sin and everything that came with it. I loved fornication, I loved drinking my weekends away, I loved smoking my cigarettes, I loved my four lettered words, R rated movies….basically I loved what the world as a whole loved, spiritual free accountability. As I continued on in my walk with God I would find myself face to face with my own reflection. I had to learn how to fight my own instinct to sin, I had to fight the temptation of picking and choosing what areas of the bible I would listen to and what areas I would ignore based on what lifestyles I didn’t want to part with

For instance, I was at church every Sunday. The only problem is I was often tired out and maybe a little hung over from the night before. I would find over time I fell into the trap of having two personalities, the Christian Aaron,,,and the Worldly Aaron. Who I was around is who I acted like, in turn I was a spiritual hypocrite. The very person that represents why some of you may have left God, your experience with Christian hypocrisy. I say this because as you grow in your relationship with God you will find times your lifestyle, morals, and belief system will conflict with the world around you, and staying strong and representing God in your actions and choices takes strength, and time to grow this conscience.

It is hard when your friends ask you if you want to partake in something that you know crosses that do not enter zone with God. It’s hard not to say no to that hot chick that you used to fantasize about, who is now in your sight. It’s hard to forgive those that treat you like dirt, loving those that don’t deserve love, it’s hard not renting a movie because it promotes things that you know you wouldn’t watch sitting next to Jesus. Last time I walked around our local movie rental store I couldn’t find one movie on their new release wall that didn’t include foul language, nudity, murder, violence, spiritualism, etc. this world is pretty corrupt as it is, and if they find it to fall under an R rating how bad must it be.

The Christian lifestyle is one of the hardest lifestyles to live because it is a lifestyle and moral system that is ssssssooooo opposite from today’s customs and belief systems. It takes so much discipline and sacrifice in each and every day. It is a lifestyle that goes beyond your outward appearances, it’s a lifestyle that follows you into your privacy and thoughts. As your grow with God you will find you choose this life not for the satisfaction of your religious organization, but because of your love and desire to please God. It’s that love for God that makes it such a desirable life

I found it’s when I was alone that my walk with God was often put to the test. That’s when I found it the hardest to represent him the best, when no one was looking. I have no regrets in choose the spiritual route for it has opened up a new world in which my eye’s were blind to in the past. I owe God so much for opening up my heart to him and helping me to learn who my spiritual father was. My life has changed so much in ways I never thought possible because of my new walk with God. I married the women of my dreams, which was a second chance for me. I am blessed with one of best sons I could ever ask for. I have seen my mother and sisters come to know God in ways I would have never guessed possible. God has blessed me with a wonderful career, and has blessed us in life in measures I don’t deserve. In the end it’s my love and passion for God that I owe him the most for, for it was a void in my heart that I never thought would be filled again.

Next we will look at one of the scariest steps in your walk….CHURCH!!!!!!

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