Thursday, October 28, 2010

Unveiling The Myth About God

If your were to Google the word “God” you would find millions of hits. If you were to go out ask asked people their interpretation of God you probably wouldn’t come across the same answer twice. What’s sad is in Christianity you can't even find one faith that can come into agreement with an answer. The truth is the idea of God, and who he is, has become so warped and blurred that most people have been living off of the opinions of others for so long, that who he really is has disappeared in the shadows of interpretation.

When I first became curious about God I felt so confused because I was raised with a certain belief system (as I think we all are in some way), and everywhere I turned there were different opinions. I mean how can a person with no biblical background even begin to figure this out. In religion I think the image of God has been changed to create fear as if he is this hard core killer who lives to seek out and destroy those who live lives opposite of his plan for mankind. Even today I have a hard time watching televangelist because their messages are so blunt and paint a message of hell fire and brimstone….CONVERT OR FACE THE MIGHTY WRATH OF GOD….COME TO CHURCH OR BURN AS A PIECE OF BACON THE HELLS FRYING PAN.

Okay I may have gone a little over board but I think for the majority of society this is how the messages seem to come across. For some it’s how this world has turned out and the pain and suffering we see every day, in their present life and worldwide, that has painted a picture of a God that doesn’t care anymore. I know for a close friend of mine this is one reason he has a hard time believing in God. You know what I did, I began my spiritual journey taking all of the opinions of my past, the interpretations of the present, and decided to go to the source myself. I asked the pastor of the church I was starting to attend for an easy to understand bible that would help me learn, and bought my first study bible. So I will challenge you to take what I say as my perception of my biblical reading and go to the source of God yourself and read about him in his Bible. Don’t lean on my words, but read the words of God yourself.
It’s the simplest thought…every opinion…all Christian faiths…every Christian belief system…all…comes…from…one book…the bible………the source of everything, they all argue from the same manual. It’s like cutting out the middle man and going directly to the manufacturer. I will tell you when I began at the book of Mathew and began to read about Jesus myself I felt like I had found the greatest treasure on Earth. I was finally learning on my own the true personality of Christ and who his father in Heaven really was, and why this Earth is the way it is, and what the future really looks like.

I came to see that God is like a father who has a planet full of children who have been kidnapped, blindfolded, and taught to believe that he is a figment of their imagination. I came to see that he yearns in the worst way for his children to re-kindle a relationship with him, and has done so much though out the millenniums to do so. He sits up in heaven hoping someday his children will fall back in love with him, talk to him, and learn who he is. I came to learn that God isn’t this crazy sword wielding killer that I thought he was, but in fact the total opposite. I came to read that God is one of the most forgiving, loving , understand, patient, long suffering, loyal, friend, father, and advocate anyone could ever hope for in life.

He would go on to sacrifice his son so an earth that would grow up to live totally opposite of what he desires, refuse to believe in him, and totally reject his ways, could have a never ending chance for a reward that surpasses winning 100,000,000 lotteries. I came to read about a God who understands us better then our parents, best friends, doctors, psychologists, even ourselves and wants to bless us beyond belief. I would also read about an enemy of God we call Satan whose goal is to turn all of mankind from God and is craftier then the best mastermind in the history of the world. He would be a nemesis that never sleeps, never gives up. He can shape the way our hearts thinks, control our desires, and turn our strengths into weaknesses with tricks and tactics we often become blind to.

He would go onto give mankind every wicked thing it desired and over time this world would become numb to God’s ways and grow cold to his word. Even so, even with a world as corrupt as ours, and with inhabitants that continuously defy him…he refuses to stop loving us. He loves every bad child, every reject, every sinner, every drug addict, every homosexual, every murder, every person in prison, and every person of this world no matter how negative this world may look upon them. This is because in his eye’s all of his children are worth his forgiveness and all his children of this world he seeks to have a relationship with. Like a father the thought of loosing any of his children to hell is an unfathomable thought to God To sum it up I guess I came to learn that no matter how bad this world gets, how good or bad my life may be, or how many times I mess up in life, I can wake up happy ever morning knowing that God will always be there for me and he will never give up on me. GOD IS LOVE.

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