Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Refused To Loose Faith

Hello everyone…it’s been a while since my last blog due in part to a little something called writers block. I’m more of a fan of quality over quantity, and the very fact you take time out of an already busy day to read what I have to say means a lot to me. In no way would I ever want to loose this privilege. So what insight will I write on today you might ask, and in reply I would have to say sadness. You see over the last two years I have really grown to appreciate the big man upstairs ssssooooo much in part to the relationship I feel I have been able to create with him. Now, in no way am I writing to toot my own horn and I promise in the end my purpose should come together…..hopefully. In creating this relationship I have seen certain changes come about in both my moral system, the way I view life, and what I consider a purpose for my life.

I have noticed that along my personal journey to learn more about God that it has transitioned more into a lifestyle in which I find myself constantly analyzing my actions and how they stack up biblically. I have found that not only has this journey changed me as a person morally, but it has also changed the way I look upon others in life. I am starting to feel obligated to remove my focus from myself and in turn live life for others because of love I constantly see in the foot steps of Christ. I have noticed that my passion in life, in the simplest terms, is how can I live for God on a daily basis….how can I do my part to help reverse all of the pain, hypocrisy, and falseness that has destroyed the image of God among ssssooooo many people.

This is where the sadness comes in. As I look around in my everyday adventures I just don’t see God in our society anymore…it’s like the idea of God has diminished from America. I mean not even two decades ago it was a norm for families to still pray together for dinner, neighborhood churches were still filled, and morally one could get arrested for using certain words on TV…..heck divorce was still taboo. You would never hear a curse word on public TV or Radio, and just 40 yrs ago Elvis was being sweated for shaking his hips. What has happened to us, when did we give up on our moral system and say to heck with it.

Call me over the top, but it blows my mind as I listen to secular radio as hear the never ending barrage of sex, drugs, and language our youth hears on an hourly basis. Public TV is just as bad, I challenge you to find a show that in some way does promote sex before marriage, experimentation with drugs or alcohol, defying parental guidance, divorce, adultery….I think you get the jest of it. Most of these acts are performed by underage actors for our children to repeat. Now I only speak for myself, but to me its like the bible is loosing a battle that has spiraled to far out of control, and that’s where my heart has felt so burdened lately.

It is a wonderful feeling to be apart of a church where you can see God actively working in the lives of others, and seeing more and more lives transformed, but outside of those walls and in everyday life I feel as if society has swept the bible and it’s teachings under the rug. My prayers have changed because just as Moses prayed on behalf of millions, Samuel on behalf of nations, and Jesus for us, I believe one man’s faithful prayer for a nation can still be heard. I have come to a peace in my heart that every aspect of the bible is 100% true ……. every story, every miracle, and every prophecy, from page one of Genesis to the last word in Revelation. While a lot reading this may not agree with my last statement, I have come to a point where my faith is so strong in the word of God that, in all honesty, there lingers no doubt.

Because of this, I will continue to pour my heart out to God asking for a revival in every beating heart alive today, because I believe my prayers count and that my faith holds weight in the hands of God almighty. I will continue to ask for opportunities to pour love into the lives of others in the same way he has poured into mine. I will continue to pray that I never cause any to feel judged, or oppressed through my actions, and that I may live humbly in an effort to peel away the layers of distrust so many have built up when they hear the word bible or God.

I believe it is never to late to change a society and that everyone, no matter your status, can have an affect on those around them simply by choosing to. Because of this I will continue to challenge those reading these bloggs to look around your community and give back to those who have never been blessed. It is though our acts of earnest kindness with no strings attached I believe God will open up doors. God Bless